Caterpillar 992G

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Manufacturer of real machineCaterpillar
Manufacturer of modelNorscot
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionThe 992G is currently Caterpillar's second largest wheel loader. Its weight of 92 tonnes; (203,000 lb) is kept moving by a 812 hp engine.
Caterpillar has added some distinctive new features to this loader — the most obvious of which is the loading boom: It consists of one central box-formed arm instead of the more traditional two arms. This is supposed to give the driver a better field of view. Another thing is the driver's cab which lacks a steering wheel: This loader's steering is controlled by a joystick.
Categorieswheel loader, mining/quarry
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Go to model no. 1100200300400490500510520530535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543550560570580600