Caterpillar / Athey PR 621

Go to model no. 1100200300400450460470480490493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501510520530540600

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Manufacturer of real machineCaterpillar / Athey
TypePR 621
Manufacturer of modelNZG
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionThe PR 621 was one of the first dump trucks in the Caterpillar product line. For this machine the traction unit of a 621 scraper was combined with a Athey dumping trailer. On this trailer, the trough itself was designed as the main supporting element. This construction lead to the effect that the rear wheels are moving forward when the trailer is tipping. This makes for an increased saftey when dumping close to edges.
Categoriesdump truck
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Go to model no. 1100200300400450460470480490493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501510520530540600