Dresser Haulpak 730E

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Manufacturer of real machineDresser
TypeHaulpak 730E
Manufacturer of modelConrad
Scale1 : 50

With a payload of 200 sht (180 metric tons), the Dresser Haulpak 730E is a typical workhorse for medium sized open-pit mining operations. The “730” stands for a gross vehicle weight of 730,000 lb (330 tonnes)

while the “E” denotes a diesel electric drive which is very common for dump trucks of this size.

Even after the takeover of Dresser by Komatsu, the 730E is still built almost unchanged today by Komatsu.

The model is from Conrad’s first production run, which means it bears a “serial number”, 00608 in this case.

Categoriesmining/quarry, dump truck
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