Zettelmeyer ZL 802i

Go to model no. 1100200300400500540550560570579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587590

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Manufacturer of real machineZettelmeyer
TypeZL 802i
Manufacturer of modelNZG
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionThe ZL802i was one of the last wheelloaders, that was developed by Zettelmeyer in the early 90s prior to the takeover of Zettelmeyer by Volvo. The ZL802i has an operating weight of 7.3 tonnes (12,480 lb) and a 76 hp engine.
Categorieswheel loader
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Go to model no. 1100200300400500540550560570579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587590