Schörling / Mercedes-Benz P17

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Manufacturer of real machineSchörling / Mercedes-Benz
Manufacturer of modelConrad
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionThe Schörling P17 is a snow removal system designed for airports. Aside from the 4 m (160 in) snow plow, it consists of trailer with its own 266 hp motor, which carries 4.24 m (167 in) wide broom. This broom is used to thoroughly clean the taxiways and runways from snow remains. The trailer also features a large blower with an 450 m³/min / 500 km/h (588 cu.yd./min / 313 mph) output which is also used for runway cleaning. The trailer has a weight of 11 metric tons (24.550 lb).
Categoriestruck, miscellaneous, airport
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Go to model no. 1506070809093 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101110120130140200300400500600