Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 – “Eisele”

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Manufacturer of real machineLiebherr
TypeLTM 11200-9.1 – “Eisele”
Manufacturer of modelNZG
Scale1 : 50

The LTM 11200-9.1 is Liebherr's current flaggship telescopic mobile crane. With a—more or less theoretical—stroke load of 1,200 metric tonnes (2,600,000 lb) and a maximum boom length of 100 m (318 ft) it is a real pacemaker.

NZG has made a fine model of this crane with a lot of operational details. Aside from the Liebherr livery, the model was also made in several limited editions of operator liveries, like this 300 piece edition of Eisele, Germany. In the meantime, Eisele has sold the original crane.

Categoriesspecial livery, heavy haulage, crane, truck mounted crane / all terrain crane, Eisele
Country of Origin of OperatorGermany 🇩🇪
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