Volvo EC700C HR

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
Comparison of size

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
The operator's cab can be tilted backwards

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
Rear view

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
Righthand side

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
The model features an extendable undercarriage, however unfortunately the parts have to much clearance.

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
Undercarriage rigged for transportation

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
The demolition tool

Picture Volvo EC700C HR

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
…and fully raised boom.

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
Five demolition excavators: two Hitachi Zaxis ZX1000K, Liebherr R954BV, Caterpillar 375 and Volvo EC700C HR

Picture Volvo EC700C HR
Volvo EC700B LC and EC700C HR