Sennebogen 5500 Star-Lifter extension set

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Manufacturer of real machineSennebogen
Type5500 Star-Lifter extension set
Manufacturer of modelConrad
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionAdditionally to the Sennebogen 5500 Star-Lifter model, Conrad also sold this extension set, which includes one heavy boom and light boom section each as well as eight counterweight pieces.
Unfortunately, the extension is only prototypical to a limited extent: Firstly, the base model already comes with the maximum amount of counterweight, i.e. the additional counterweight is too much, so to speak. (However, the additional ballast is needed on the model in so far, as to give appropriate stability to model with the extended boom.) And secondly, on the real machine, the SHWS boom configuration the main boom as well as the luffing jib can be rigged with a maximum amount of three 11.2 m (37 ft) and one 5.6 m (18.5 ft) boom sections each. The extension set on the other hand contains two 11.2 m/37 ft sections, making it four “long” sections per cross section in total.
Categoriescrane, Add-On/extension set, crawler crane
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