Hitachi / Ohsumi Zaxis ZX1000K-3 40m HL / FE500

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Manufacturer of real machineHitachi / Ohsumi
TypeZaxis ZX1000K-3 40m HL / FE500
Manufacturer of modelNZG
Scale1 : 50

The Hitachi 1000K is the demolition machine version of the 870LCH which is only sold on the Japanese market. Since high-rise buildings in Japan's densly populated areas can't be demolished by blasting, large demolition machines like the 1000K are used. The boom is changeable and this NZG model comes with a three-piece longfront demolition boom. With this, a maximum height of 40 m (131 ft) can be reached and the operation weight is around 114 metric tons (251,000 lb). The engine is identical to the one in the 870LCH and has an output of 540 hp.

This model is equipped with a Oshumi FE500 crusher.

Categoriesexcavator (general), tracked excavator, demolition
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