Rosenbauer Simba 8×8

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Manufacturer of real machineRosenbauer
TypeSimba 8×8
Manufacturer of modelNZG
Scale1 : 50

This airport crash tender was part of the first Simba generation of which five units where delivered to Frankfurt airport in 1986 where they replaced older Faun vehicles. In the meantime, the first generation of Simbas in Frankfurt has been replaced by newer Simbas and Ziegler Z8.

The first generation weighed 44 tonnes (97,000 lb) and could reach up to 125 km/h (77 mph) with the help of its 1250 hp engine. It could carry up to 11,600 l of water (3060 gal) and 2000 kg (4400 lb) of fire extinguishing powder.

Categoriesmiscellaneous, airport
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