Mercedes-Benz Sprinter / BF3 – “Daher-Transkem”

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Manufacturer of real machineMercedes-Benz
TypeSprinter / BF3 – “Daher-Transkem”
Manufacturer of modelConrad
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionThis model of a Mercedes Sprinter II is painted in the livery of Daher-Transkem and equipped as a so-called BF3 escort van. Such BF3 vehicles are, amongst other things, equipped with a variable message-sign and are used for safeguarding heavy haulage transports on public roads in Europe and mainly Germany.
Categoriesspecial livery, heavy haulage, Daher-Transkem
Country of Origin of OperatorGermany ðŸ‡©ðŸ‡ª
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