Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”

Picture Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”
Comparison of size

Picture Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”
Rear view

Picture Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”
Rear view, righthand side

Picture Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”
Righthand side

Picture Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”
Comparison of size with sorting grapple

Picture Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”
Backhoe boom mounted in straight way…

Picture Liebherr R 954 BV LF – “Max Wild”
…and mounted angled.