Liebherr R 914 B w/ long reach ditch cleaning eq.

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Manufacturer of real machineLiebherr
TypeR 914 B w/ long reach ditch cleaning eq.
Manufacturer of modelConrad / MEC
Scale1 : 50

I installed a long reach ditch cleaning equipment with the help of a MEC kit on thie Liebherr Liebherr R 914.
This equipment is used to level slopes are to wide for normal boom lengths or to steep to be traveled on by machines.
You can see several pictures of real machines of this type on Ulrich Pöschl’s homepage.
You can find out more on the assembly of this model in the assembly report.

Categoriesexcavator (general), tracked excavator, longreach
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Go to model no. 1100200230240250260270275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283290300310320400500