Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Comparison of size

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Rear view

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Rear view, righthand side

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Righthand side

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Small counterweight radius

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Large counterweight radius

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
The counterweight base section can also be transported directly on the undercarriage

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Extended outriggers

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Erected boom

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
All sections of the boom extended by approximately 50%.

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
The first four sections extended by approx. 90%, the two top sections extended by approx. 50%.

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Liebherr LTM1090-4.2 in Liebherr and Colonia livery

Picture Liebherr LTM 1090-4.2
Liebherr mobile cranes with 90 metric tons stroke load: LTM 1090/1 and LTM 1090-4.2