Mercedes-Benz / Goldhofer Arocs w/ ballast trailer – “Riga Mainz”

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Manufacturer of real machineMercedes-Benz / Goldhofer
TypeArocs w/ ballast trailer – “Riga Mainz”
Manufacturer of modelWSI
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionThe crane rental company Riga of Mainz, Germany uses tractor units like this Mercedes Arocs to move ballast trailers as shown in this model with a Goldhofer trailer.
Categoriesspecial livery, truck, heavy haulage, Riga Mainz
Country of Origin of OperatorGermany 🇩🇪
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Go to model no. 1100120130140150160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170180190200210300400500600