O&K Motrak S8

Go to model no. 1100200300400430440450460466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474480490500510

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Manufacturer of real machineO&K
TypeMotrak S8
Manufacturer of modelNZG
Scale1 : 50
DescriptionSmall dump trucks like the O&K Motrak S8 (Motrak = “Motor-Transportkarren”, motorized transport cart) were a very common sight on German construction sites in former days but are very rare today. The S8 was originaly marketed as AS 100 and was able to move 1590 lb (720 kg) of payload with the help of a 6.5 engine.
Categoriessmall dumper
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Go to model no. 1100200300400430440450460466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474480490500510